Why do You Serve the Lord? – Newsletter June 2024

Why do you serve God?

‘Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters. Since you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward: you serve the Lord Christ’. Colossians 3 v 23-24

We can serve so many things and for so many reasons, but this reading calls us to ask ourselves why we are serving. Are we serving to further our own interests, to build our own egos, or to make ourselves heroes in our community?
To ensure that we are genuine servants of God, we need to ask ourselves – are we serving man or are we serving God and His kingdom? God is aware of what we are doing and why, and we should be pleasing Him, not necessarily people.
When we serve for earthy reasons, we get earthly rewards. We build our egos, our assets, and our reputation. But when we serve in God’s name, in His love, we get heavenly rewards and become members of God’s family of true believers as we are led and guided by the Holy Spirit.

As we serve in God’s name we receive His love, grace, and mercy which we share with our neighbours, bringing healing and peace to us all. We are also pleasing God.

God’s love is for all – Praise the Lord.

Its easy serve when you love God

Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters. Since you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward: you serve the Lord Christ

Colossians 3 v 23-24

Fellowship News Serve Together, Grow Together

Although we only had 6 members attending, we had a nice afternoon, showing our baby photos. We also had a belated Mothering Day, reminiscing on our mothers and the meaning of this special day. Afternoon tea followed. Our commitment to serve each other in fellowship enriches our community, reflecting the varied hues of God’s creation.

The next meeting is called ‘colour day’. Wear your favourite colour and find how it was named and if it has an importance in your life.
DATE: Tues 18th June, 1:30pm in the Hall. 
All Welcome: Dulcie Chapman
heart of serving the needy

Companion Visitor The Heart of Serving 

In serving, sometimes we must adjust our sails. We would like to inform you all that due to family illness, our Companion Visitor has requested reduced hours to do this valuable work on our behalf. This change prompts us to consider how we might serve those who miss these visits; and with winter weather are maybe finding it challenging to get to church on cold, wet mornings. 

Perhaps a later morning or an afternoon once a week, could be organised to meet, either in the homes or the Sunday School Hall. To chat over a cuppa, play a board game, watch a Christian video to continue fellowship with fellow Christians. Serving adapts to meet the needs of our community, proving that where there is a need, there is a place to serve.

We would envisage it to be for no more than 90 mins. What do you think? Would someone volunteer to be the contact and ‘loosely’ organiser to ensure some sustainability? As needs change, days, times, and activities can be flexible to suit. If it meets the needs of 3-4 members, it is a vital ministry. Pop your name on the board in the S/S Hall.

The Leprosy Mission – Australia Change Serves a Greater Purpose 

Please continue to serve those affected by leprosy by collecting small change. For those who do not have the small boxes and would like to have one to keep your small change in and return the boxes later, boxes are available in the Porch entrance of the Church. Each coin serves as a symbol of hope and support for the afflicted, reminding us that even the smallest act of service can lead to significant change in the world.

Knit and Natter

Knit and Natter Serving Through Every Stitch 

Our next knit and natter is on Wednesday 5th June at 2pm – 4pm in the RSL hall. Please come and join us for a time of fun and laughter, and we may manage to get some work done. Knitting serves as more than just a pastime—it’s a way to create warm, tangible expressions of our care for others. Serving through our crafts, we bring comfort and joy to those in need. 

Please remember to bring your completed items for Dulcie. Thank you.

Schools Pastoral Support Worker Serve Our Future 

Please keep the need for a Pastoral Support Worker for our local school in your prayers. This role is critical in serving the young people in our town, guiding them through their formative years with spiritual and emotional support. Let’s serve our children by ensuring they have the guidance they need to grow in faith and character.

New Songs Program Serving Our Worship 

Though on hold, this program’s purpose is to serve our congregation by enriching our worship with new melodies that lift spirits and glorify God. Let’s serve each other by sharing songs that elevate our collective worship.

SAVE Electricity Serving Our Church’s Resources 

As we serve our community by providing a warm and welcoming space, let’s also serve wisely by conserving energy. If you are the last to leave, can you please ensure that the lights and heating are switched off before you leave? Thank you.

Mission Box of non-perishable items

Mission Box Every Item Serves 

In these challenging times, each non-perishable item donated to our mission box serves those facing hardships. This year maybe tougher than usual. Many people are out of work and suffering with COVID-19 restrictions. If you can bring one or more items, they will be much appreciated by those less fortunate than ourselves. Your generosity serves as a beacon of hope to those in need.

Shoe Boxes Packing to Serve 

Our shoebox project continues, serving joy to children far and wide. We are now starting to pack the shoe boxes, and it is not too late to receive contributions of suitable items. You have all been so generous, and I thank you for the items that have been received. 

Sylvia Harvey

Blanket Appeal

Blanket Appeal Warmth That Serves 

If you have any blankets lying around that you are not in need off, Dulcie Chapman can find a home for them. There is an urgent need for blankets by those who are homeless and also struggling. With the price of electricity at the moment, many people are living in cold homes because they cannot afford to put the heating on. Your donations of blankets will serve comfort to those in need, truly embodying the spirit of serving others. Blankets can be left at the Op Shop, marked for the attention of Dulcie Chapman. Thank you.

Vision Christian Station FM 88 Tune in to Serve 

Serving our community extends through the airwaves, thanks to Vision Christian Station. Don’t forget to tune your radio to the Vision Christian Station FM 88 that now can be heard in our town, thanks to them placing an aerial on our church property.

Sick and Needy Serving in Prayer 

Let us serve our community in prayer, especially those affected by illness and the ongoing challenges of the pandemic. There are a lot of COVID-19 and ‘flu like’ symptoms around, so please be careful. We remember especially those in the Village. Our prayers serve as a fortress for the weary.

Volunteer Week Serving with Joy 

“Something for everyone” is the theme for volunteer week this year. We say a huge thank you to each one of our Church family who serve in some way to help our Church and groups within our Church, plus many groups and clubs in our community. You are all “something for everyone” and we thank God for his blessings upon us all. 
Our Op Shop opens every Friday afternoon

Op Shop  Serving with Thanks

Last year a ‘morning tea thank you’ was provided by the Ministry Team and all congregation members to the volunteers of the Opportunity Shop, at their mid-year General Meeting. We would like your help to again provide food and especially your presence to show our appreciation of the work they do for our church and the community. Please, can you assist us with serving our volunteers morning tea on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 at 9am for 9:30am? To show our gratitude for the ways they serve our community through the Op Shop.

UCA National Assembly 

UCA National Assembly will hold their bi-annual meeting this month. Please pray that their ears and hearts will surrender to God’s will for the church going forward, to God’s plan for His church, and that the Truth of God’s Word will reign supreme.

Serving God’s Mission 

In every facet of our church life, we strive to serve in His steps, walking in the path laid out by our Saviour. Each act of service, no matter how small, weaves into the greater tapestry of God’s plan, showing the world His love through our actions. Let us continue to serve with hearts wide open, as true followers of Christ.

Church Notices

Church notices are on the church calendar. Click the big red button below.

our church calendar

You can view it by day, by week, or by month. All the Church Rostas are listed on the calendar. The ‘Sunday Service’ roster is listed on each Sunday. 

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