A father takes his son into the forest, blindfolds him, and leaves him alone, challenging him to trust the unseen. The young boy must sit on a stump throughout the night and is only permitted to remove the blindfold once the morning sun begins to shine. He cannot call out to anyone for help.
To successfully complete this rite of passage and step into manhood, the boy must endure this trial in silence, relying solely on his courage and trust in the unseen. He is naturally filled with fear, hearing various sounds that make him think of wild beasts or potential threats from humans. The wind rustles the grass and shakes his stump, but he remains resolute, keeping the blindfold in place, knowing it’s his path to becoming a man.
The unseen guardian
As the first light of dawn breaks, the boy finally removes his blindfold and makes a heartwarming discovery. His father had been sitting next to him the whole time, silently watching over and protecting him from any danger.
Similarly, in our life journeys, we are never truly alone. Even when we feel isolated and in darkness, there’s an unseen presence watching over us. God is always there, like that protective father, waiting patiently on the stump beside us. In times of distress, all we need to do is trust the unseen and reach out to Him.
The essence of the story
Just because we can’t see God, it doesn’t mean He isn’t there, guiding and guarding us. If this narrative resonates with you, please share. If not, perhaps you’ve yet to fully trust in the unseen.
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11 v 1
Fellowship Club
Our September gathering celebrated the joy of companionship with a “Lunch out” at the Trible B Book Café in Wallaroo. Seven members relished not just the food but also the unseen bond of shared faith. Dulcie provided an update from Gladys in Africa, emphasizing her continuous battle with financial constraints. The group resolved to maintain the $5 sponsorship for each member, further supporting the Mission of the Least Coin. The nominal $1 previously reserved for afternoon tea will no longer be collected. The Fellowship’s next meeting is on Tuesday 17th October, with details of the program to be announced.
The Fellowship church service
Took place on Sunday 24th September. Corinne Blom, from the Samaritans Purse, enlightened us on the outreach programs of her organization, emphasizing the “Shoe Boxes of Love.” We learned about the unseen efforts in ensuring each gift box aligns with customs and government regulations. Her narrative was a testament to the power of God’s unseen hand working through simple gestures of love.
Knit and Natter
Join us for the next ‘Knit and Natter’ on Wednesday 4th October, 2pm—4pm at the RSL hall. As always, there’s a blend of joy, laughter, and of course, knitting! Bring along your completed works for Dulcie.
COVID and Flu
Given the ongoing health concerns with COVID and other ailments, let’s be vigilant and safe. Our faith continues to be a source of strength during such times, and we’re elated with Heather’s ongoing recovery. Chris Thornton seeks our prayers for her health challenges. Let’s stand together in prayer for all those in need.
Leprosy Mission
A big thank you to everyone for continuing to support the Leprosy Mission. Every coin you’ve contributed to the Leprosy Mission signifies your unwavering faith in the unseen power of giving. God bless you all! – Vicki
Mission Box
This year, more than ever, we understand the unseen struggles many face due to job losses and COVID restrictions. Kindly continue donating non-perishable items for our mission box.
Shoe boxes
A heartfelt thank you for the 133 filled shoe boxes! Sylvia Harvey is still packing, but it’s not too late to contribute. Your unseen efforts truly make a difference.
Join us on Sunday 29th October at 3pm for a soulful Singalong. Dive into songs familiar and perhaps some new. Remember, you don’t need to be a professional singer to partake!
The Combined Christian Churches Thanksgiving Service
Is set for Sunday 29th October at the Port Broughton Uniting Church. This change in venue offers an unseen blessing, bringing us all closer. Let’s unite on Saturday 28th October at 10 am for setting up.
Daylight saving
Starts on Sunday 1st October. As we enjoy the extended daylight, let’s cherish the unseen rhythms of nature that resonate with our Creator’s ceaseless love and care.
Pastoral Support Worker
Lastly, please keep the need for a Pastoral Support Worker for our local school in your prayers. It’s an opportunity to touch the unseen hearts of our community’s youth.
Church Notices
Church notices are on the church calendar. Click the big red button below.
You can view it by day, by week, or by month. All the Church Rostas are listed on the calendar. The ‘Sunday Service’ roster is listed on each Sunday.
Get involved!