Port Broughton Uniting Church

His Caretakers of Creation

caretakers of creation

We have been made caretakers of creation. privileged to worship God, the supreme Creator of our universe, as our Heavenly Father, our Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit.

God created this earth we live on, all of the life on it and ourselves, with everything on it to sustain us, His nominated caretakers of this marvellous creation.


As you stroll around this wonderful world there comes upon you a great feeling of peace and joy in being in and a part of nature. The plants and animals, the ever-changing cloudy blue sky, the warmth of the sun and rising and setting of the sun and the moon.

Then we read Psalm 8, which says “What are human beings that You are mindful of them mortals that You care for them? Yet You have made them a little lower than God (or the divine beings or Angels). You have given them dominion over the works of Your hands, You have put all things under their feet.”

Now, this is very scary stuff when we see and understand what is happening around the world today and for centuries past.

God gave His people dominion over this creation. We are directed to be caretakers of creation: the earth and the whole universe.

How would we react if we were God watching this behaviour from on high? God hasn’t got us on a lead directing and ordering us on how to care for the planet, He has made for us to live on.


We have free-will to choose to be caretakers of creation

We have been given minds of our own to decide how we act, how we care for and manage our lives, our properties, our country and our world.

But, we appear to have gone astray. To have misunderstood how this creation and its populations should be managed, cared for and used.

Greed, intolerance, jealousy, and cowardice have caused great disasters, destruction, persecution and hatred.

Now—God is no fool. He knows everything that we do and why we do it and He understands

Can you imagine God scratching His head and wondering what to do about our behaviour?

Do I wipe them out?? Do I discipline them??

Do I let them go on until they destroy themselves??

But God is a God of love, and over the centuries He has promised to rescue His chosen people from many different situations. And we read in several passages from the Bible where He promised to send a Saviour, a shepherd to lead His people as an example similar to how a shepherd leads and calls his sheep.


Some 2,000 years ago this Saviour was born

He grew up, studied the Jewish history, became a carpenter and all along He listened to His Heavenly Father, pass on to the people His wisdom and even gave His life on a cross to save those who believed in Him and His teachings

We are instructed to take His messages, His Word and His example to all the world. As we do this faithfully He is with us at all times. He will give us His blessings to go out into the world and will guide us as we explain His actions and teaching to those who have not heard or been shown how to live.

And thus, we are to come together as one people in peace, harmony and love with each other.

Each one of us has been given a gift or talent to show how we should live and grow in our Christian faith.

We each need to understand this and that we are all part of God’s family, part of being caretakers of creation. When we shut God out we become leaderless, lost in space and time and doomed to failure, separated from God.

Jesus has been given all authority over all things, so we really need to listen to His word, hear it, and understand it and obey it.


Obedience freely given to God brings peace

Only when everyone obeys His word will God’s peace be upon us and this earth.

Our God-given life must be subject to His will.

We must let His love flow through us out into our communities at all times.

We must always witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Only then will we find that inner peace which only comes from God

May you find His peace, giving you joy and satisfaction in Jesus and His Holy Spirit.

SET READINGS: Psalm 8 Genesis 1:1- 2-4a 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Matthew 28: 16-20

Trevor Taylor

PBUC Trinity Sunday 7/6/20

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