Devoted Disciple or Disciplined Devotee?- Newsletter July 2024

Devoted Disciple or Disciplined Devotee?

Much of church life is spent teaching people how to behave as Christians. The veneer of religious training is very durable for some, though very thin for many others, particularly when distinguishing between a devoted disciple and a disciplined devotee. Many people, especially the younger under modern society’s pressures, or the disillusioned older, fall away from religion because they couldn’t endure.

They may have been poor ground for the seed of the Word – we remember Jesus’ parable of the seeds and the grounds. But it may be they never have really heard the Word at all in the churches that tend to preach behaviourally, instead of evangelically. 

These are places and ministers that teach the religious commands (of men) and who fail to tell people the real truth, the very thing God wants. Which is for people to stop trying to be disciplined religious devotees, and to become instead, by His grace, genuinely devoted disciples of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Devoted disciples are those saved hearts who are devotedly following Christ Himself. Not devotees of legalistic religion, striving to find acceptance with God through their outward works. 

The latter is very difficult to do. Under the strain, it is not surprising many fall away. Seemingly giving up on religion, which is understandable. But also giving up on Christ, which is critically important as it would be eternally fateful.

But it’s not entirely their fault. Have we led them to Christ, or moulded them in tradition? Have we offered them the Word of life, or the mere directives of what we think to be Christian behaviour?

An interesting article I read on Focus ‘In the dust of the Rabbi: Living as a disciple of Jesus’ discusses this further.

What really counts is knowing and loving Christ and being His devoted disciples. Everything else is self-righteous rubbish. The stuff about which the Apostle Paul said, in effect, “the things that looked like gain for me in earthly righteousness and status, I gladly cast them away as rubbish, compared to really knowing Christ” (see Phil 3:8-11).

Let’s preach the real gospel and look to encourage some living, devoted disciples!

Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ

Phillipians 3 v 8

Fellowship News

On Tuesday, 18th June, seven members attended our delightful fellowship gathering. Each member dressed in a colour of their choice and shared fascinating insights about their chosen hue and its significance. It was a beautiful reminder of God’s promise seen in the rainbow. Our next meeting is scheduled for 16th July at 1pm, where we will celebrate Christmas in July. Sue and Kaylene will provide a scrumptious lunch for $6 per head. Join us for a heart warming afternoon of fellowship, where we aim to foster a community of devoted disciples rather than merely disciplined devotees. Please let Sue know if you plan to attend.

Companion Visitor Update

Due to family illness, our Companion Visitor has requested reduced hours. We encourage those missing these valuable visits and those struggling to attend church on cold, wet mornings to consider meeting later in the morning or in the afternoon. These gatherings could be held in homes or the Sunday School Hall, providing an opportunity for continued fellowship and spiritual growth. We seek volunteers to help organise these sessions. Remember, our goal is to cultivate devoted discipleship in our community.

The Leprosy Mission 

Please continue to save your small change for the Leprosy Mission in Australia. If you need a collection box, they are available in the porch entrance of the church. By contributing, we embody the spirit of devoted discipleship, reaching out with Christ’s love to those in need.

Knit and Natter

Knit and Natter

Our next Knit and Natter session is on Wednesday, 3rd July, from 2pm to 4pm in the RSL hall. Join us for an afternoon of fun, laughter, and perhaps a bit of knitting. Remember to bring your completed items for Dulcie. Let’s use this time to nurture our bonds and grow as devoted disciples of Christ.

Pastoral Support Worker

Please keep the need for a Pastoral Support Worker for our local school in your prayers. This role is crucial for ministering to the young people in our town, guiding them to become devoted disciples rather than mere disciplined devotees.

New Songs Program

The NEW SONGS PROGRAM is temporarily on hold but will recommence later. Meanwhile, think of songs you would like to learn or sing more often. Let’s use music to deepen our faith and become truly devoted disciples.

Heating and Lights Reminder 

With winter upon us, please ensure that the heating and lights are turned off when you leave the church building. This small act of stewardship reflects our commitment to being devoted disciples – caring for God’s house and resources.

Mission Box of non-perishable items

Mission Box

Please continue to bring non-perishable items for the mission box. With many struggling due to economic hardships, your contributions are a tangible expression of our call to be devoted disciples, offering Christ’s love to those in need.

Shoe Boxes

We are now packing shoe boxes and welcome any contributions of suitable items. Your generosity is greatly appreciated, reflecting our mission to be devoted disciples, serving those less fortunate.

Sylvia Harvey

Blanket Appeal

Blanket Appeal 

If you have any spare blankets, please consider donating them to those in need. Many are living in cold homes, unable to afford heating. Your donations can make a significant difference, showing our commitment to being devoted disciples – providing warmth and comfort. 


Prayers for the Sick

Please remember in your prayers all those who are sick or suffering due to current COVID-19 restrictions. Let us pray especially for those in the Village, asking God to strengthen them and guide them to become devoted disciples through their trials. 

Our Op Shop opens every Friday afternoon

Morning Tea Thank you

Last year, the Ministry Team hosted a morning tea to thank the volunteers of the Opportunity Shop. We will do so again on Wednesday, 10th July 2024, at 9.00am. Please assist us in showing our appreciation for their hard work, reinforcing our community of devoted disciples.

Let us focus on being devoted disciples of Christ

Living out our faith with genuine devotion and love. Each act of kindness, every prayer, and all our efforts in fellowship are steps towards true discipleship. May God bless you all abundantly this month.

Church Notices

Church notices are on the church calendar. Click the big red button below.

our church calendar

You can view it by day, by week, or by month. All the Church Rostas are listed on the calendar. The ‘Sunday Service’ roster is listed on each Sunday. 

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