The blog has two categories: Sunday service messages; and our monthly newsletters.
Blog Categories
God Is Working Out His Purpose
God has a purpose. At this time of stress, with the world
Present Trials – What’s Next?
We are under present trials, and protection from God is, I expect,
Christ Is Risen Don’t Be Afraid
A special welcome, today, as together we celebrate the historic fact that
Reflections for Good Friday
Let’s begin Good Friday by sitting quietly, and putting away thoughts of
There’s A New Kingdom Coming
There’s a new kingdom coming. The earth as we know it can
Let Your Light Shine
Let your light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in
Discover unique finds
Op Shop
Every Friday, from 2 – 4 pm, our doors open to offer you a curated selection of quality men’s and women’s clothing, captivating books, stylish accessories, and much more.
The funds raised support community needs and overseas missions. So, drop by, explore our collections, and enjoy the satisfaction of shopping with a cause.