True Happiness. What is it? – Newsletter August 2024

true happiness what is it
It means different things to different people. True happiness, according to Matthew 5 v 1-10, the Beatitudes, encapsulates blessings under various life circumstances, pointing out how joy isn’t always found in easy moments. For many, finding true happiness means navigating through storms with faith.

This passage in the bible does explain many situations and aspects of happiness. We all need to delve into how do we measure up to these teachings? Some of this scripture doesn’t read like happy times as we know and understand it. Many Christians have suffered and died because of their faith and beliefs.

Many have endured years of hideous acts of persecution. This still happens today in many countries around our world. Here in Australia, many people endure awful situations everyday of their lives. Cruelty abounds along with disasters, natural and man-made. 

What do we as Christians do about it?

True happiness comes from a feeling of elation about something good that has come to us and happened in our life. Maybe a wish, dream, or event coming true.

How does one feel happy amongst all the deaths and destruction happening today in our world? Just to survive would bring feelings of happiness and hope for a future. As the saying goes, “life was not meant to be easy”. 

As Jesus has taught us; as Christians, we need to go out and become his servants amongst the poor and suffering. We need to pray about horrific situations, work together to bring stability, healing, kindness, and love. 

We as Christians are to shine the light of Jesus for the benefit of the world. We are to do the best action we can give, being servants in Jesus’ name. Let us give thanks and praise to God for the many gifts that have been bestowed on all His believers. Just as well each one of us has been blessed with a different gift to give and share. 

What a blessing we have when we are able to sing the words of the hymn “Looking only unto Jesus, as I onward go” 

– Kaylene Taylor. 

Therefore, true happiness may not be found in mere contentment but in Jesus Christ.

Whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he.

Proverbs 16 v 20b

true happiness

Fellowship News

Seven folk met to enjoy lunch and fellowship at our Christmas in July meeting. True happiness was shared among us as we gathered. 

General discussion centred around the format of the group into 2025 as it is getting more challenging to organize a program for each meeting with such a small group. 

A firm decision will be made closer to the end of the year – the general feeling was that it is important for the opportunity for fellowship to continue, even in a different format. 

The group then packed Shoe Boxes of Love to add to the churches collection. 

Next meeting – Coffee and chat at Gloria’s Cafe – 1.30pm on Tuesday 20th August 2024.

The Leprosy Mission, Australia

Thank you to the church family for your support of the Leprosy Mission. I banked $121.00 from our boxes and have received a lovely card thanking our church family. True happiness comes from helping those in need. I will put some more boxes back into the porch for anyone to take. 

God bless you all. Vicki.

Knit and Natter

Knit and Natter

Our next knit and natter is on Wednesday 7th August at 2pm—4pm in the RSL hall. The joy of knitting together brings true happiness to our hearts. Please come and join us for a time of fun and laughter and we may manage to get some work done. Please remember to bring your completed items for Dulcie. Thank you.

New Songs Program

While on pause, we invite you to muse over tunes that bring true happiness, preparing to enrich our worship with heartfelt melodies when we reconvene. Your suggestions can help shape our future services, ensuring that our musical worship reflects our collective joy and faith.

Heating and Lights Reminder 

As the winter chill sets in and we warm our spaces, it’s crucial that the last person to leave ensures the heating and lights are switched off. This simple act not only conserves energy but also protects our gathering place, fostering a sustainable environment where true happiness can thrive.


Combined Christian Churches Meeting

The Port Broughton combined Christian Churches meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th August at 11am in the SS hall. All welcome.

cake celebrations commemorate 100 and 150 years

Coffee & Cake Afternoons

True happiness is what we aim for our upcoming coffee & cake afternoons in Wirrabara and Minlaton. We are invited to one of two coffee and & cake afternoons at either Wirrabara or Minlaton. Wirrabara on Sun 11th Aug in the church hall at 2pm  till 4 pm, where you have a chance to meet Rev. Frank Tuppin who is now living in Laura, and at Minlaton on Sun 18th Aug in the church hall 2pm till 4pm where Brenton Smith will be joining with us.  These gatherings are a great opportunity to share news, testimonies and other highs and lows that can be prayed for together. There is no need to RSVP – just feel free to bring a car load and join us for a long overdue catch up.
Errol Meaney

Congratulations and Celebrations

We celebrate true happiness with Mundoora Uniting Church as they commemorate 100 years of worship on the 4th August (but not currently active) and to Wandereah Uniting Church commemorating 150 years on 22nd September 2024 still going strong. We thank God for the faithfulness of past and present members of both congregations and look forward to continued growth in these communities.


Mission Box of non-perishable items


Mission Box

Sharing what we have brings true happiness, especially during these challenging times. Your contributions to the Mission Box help provide relief to those affected by job losses and economic hardships due to ongoing health restrictions. If you can bring one or more items they will be much appreciated by those less fortunate than ourselves.

Shoe Boxes

Our Shoe Box project is nearing completion, so if you have any items you wish to be included, please can you let me have them by the end of August. Thank you so very much for all the items you have sent or given me. Each box packed is a testament to our community’s dedication to spreading true happiness and love across the world, touching the lives of many children.
Sylvia Harvey


Blanket Appeal

Blanket Appeal 

With cold homes becoming a harsh reality for many, your donated blankets will wrap the needy in warmth and true happiness. Dulcie Chapman will ensure they reach those who can hardly afford to heat their homes this winter. There is an urgent need for blankets by those who are homeless and also struggling. With the price of electricity at the moment, many people are living in cold homes because they cannot afford to put the heating on. Blankets can be left at the Op shop, marked for the attention of Dulcie Chapman. Thank you.


Prayers for the Sick

In these times of health uncertainty, caring for one another is essential. By observing health guidelines, we protect our community’s health and true happiness. Keep those affected by illness in your prayers, as we navigate these challenging times together. We remember especially those in the Village.

vietnam veterans day

Special Events

Our community events like the Vietnam Veteran’s Service and the Leprosy Mission talk with Mrs. Kathrine Jaenschke offer unique opportunities to engage with our heritage and support charitable causes, fostering true happiness and solidarity within our congregation and community.

  • On Sun 18th August at 10 am, the Vietnam Veteran’s Service will be held at the RSL Hall.
  • On Sun 22nd September a Leprosy Mission rep., Mrs, kathrine Jaenschke will be coming to preach and speak on the Leprosy Mission. Kathrine will be bringing some gifts, books and games etc; for sale during our Morning Tea. Proceeds will be going to the Leprosy Mission and you may want to keep this date in your diary and think of purchasing Christmas presents.

Church Notices

Church notices are on the church calendar. Click the big red button below.

our church calendar

You can view it by day, by week, or by month. All the Church Rostas are listed on the calendar. The ‘Sunday Service’ roster is listed on each Sunday. 

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